One of Leonardo da Vinci's proverbs goes something like this: It is easier for a 'man' to kill a thousand of his enemies than to vanquish himself. 'Men' sometimes need to undertake a long voyage in order to find the 'meaning of life'. Dickster's World is not far from yours. If you take the right wrong turn, you will find it. Dickster needs you… D wants you to… D'd LOVE you to…help Him find His way back. Give D the feedback He deserves! Go a-head, give it to Him!

Thursday, April 05, 2007


The first feedback from readers has started pouring in:

"It's the male equivalent to Bridget Jones' Diary." - Kooki B.

"I had it with me all weekend. It's funny. (…) I started getting a headache." - Judy N.

"...art...clever use of language... It's gonna have a cult following..." - Mike S.

"I'm talking the way you write!" - Martin L.

"The book's right next to our bed.(!)" - B and S McE.

"It's HUGE. Nothing is (as in could be!) bigger than Dickster." - Someone I met in a dream.

"Shocking! There were times I couldn't put it down." - A woman scientist who read it all! and also keeps it beside her bed.

"Un roman corrosif!" - J-P R. of the CCC.

"I like the way D communicates with the reader. It's funny. Very eloquent." - Ken Doll.

Well, it sounds pretty good so far. I hope the late Richard Travelle is pleased.


Jack Stack.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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April 10, 2007  

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