One of Leonardo da Vinci's proverbs goes something like this: It is easier for a 'man' to kill a thousand of his enemies than to vanquish himself. 'Men' sometimes need to undertake a long voyage in order to find the 'meaning of life'. Dickster's World is not far from yours. If you take the right wrong turn, you will find it. Dickster needs you… D wants you to… D'd LOVE you to…help Him find His way back. Give D the feedback He deserves! Go a-head, give it to Him!

Thursday, November 02, 2006


I hope you all are alive and well!

Shroomland, as delicious as it was, started getting a tad dangerous: bomb attacks getting more and more precise. It's not that we were paranoid or anything, but… you know. Fat chance they would have got us. With all the rebel training I've endured, they could've blasted away for all I cared!

But when you go to the country for some peace and quiet, and to get a little work done… Why put up with all the ruckus? So we're back, escaping —while we have to— my nitwit cousins! Ah, the civilized world: Ulcer Heaven!

Just a quick goodbye to Cool Mel.

And now to you: always keep an eye in the sky, an eye on the ground, an eye behind you, an eye way out ahead, and one just in front —you never know. For those who are not used to assassins, it's best to travel in groups.



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