Time for a quicky
Is there anybody out there?
It has become much too dangerous for me here. I came back in order to claim what was mine, for I wanted to transform something that was all wrong and make some good of it, 'inch Allah!' I am not certain I will get that chance anymore. If I can at least finish the book first, before Bubba finds me, I will have that satisfaction.
We are being watched at all times: I can't even go to the window. My collaborator has even been bullied around a couple of times and had his flat turned upside-down. They are now threatening to do some vile things to some of his girlfriends. Why does he stay? That's something he must figure out for himself.
How should I interpret the outcome of my return to the occidental world? Is there no place for the man I've become? Or is it I who has failed to make myself undersood? Did I, or do I want to? My values have strayed so far from the capitalistic way. Am I percieved as one who's come to rock the boat?
I'm afraid that's all I have time for. Besides, I don't even know if anyone is reading this and if I should continue.
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