One of Leonardo da Vinci's proverbs goes something like this: It is easier for a 'man' to kill a thousand of his enemies than to vanquish himself. 'Men' sometimes need to undertake a long voyage in order to find the 'meaning of life'. Dickster's World is not far from yours. If you take the right wrong turn, you will find it. Dickster needs you… D wants you to… D'd LOVE you to…help Him find His way back. Give D the feedback He deserves! Go a-head, give it to Him!

Friday, October 20, 2006

CruiseLand hideout

Hello out there,

I am terribly sorry for the long silence, but my situation has become increasingly alarming. My collaborator and I thought it best to isolate ourselves out in the boonies. Finding a sufficiently remote spot took some time, and we are completely cut off from the outside world now. We have been working at full throttle for a couple of days and, if all goes well, we shall see the end of the book by the end of the month. I must take leave of you though and get back to work: time may not really exist, but the human clock is ticking!


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