It's been a while since I wrote anything for you — I know! For reasons you can't imagine, and I can't explain, it was obligatory.
What I can tell you about is a dream I had the other night: this boy was selling Dickster
on a street corner, like they used to do in the old days with newspapers. His rap went something like this, "Dickster! Dickster! Read alllll about it." Every now and then people would stop and say "Yeah, but I don't read books." or "I'm not allowed to read things like that." or even "I'll wait for the movie, kid". The adolescent would answer "But this is just the book for you!
-Oh yeah?
- It's a true, thrilling mafia crime story. And it's got big one syllable words in it. Plus, it's got suspense. Plus, babes. Plus, twisted metaphysics everyone can understand, all wrapped up in…
-Uh, hun.
-demystifying, comic erotica.
-What's that?
-Kinky sex? Whaddo I know, I'm illiterate. Come on, buy one; my feet are killing me and I haven't eaten all day.
-Okay, how much is it?
-It's free.
-I'll take one!
-Here's your change.
-Hey better give me another five thousand copies, or so; Christmas is coming and I'm feeling generous…"
Yeah, what a nightmare. I decided to wake up before another client came around and I was completely broke.
It could be some time before I'm able, once again, to write anything on the blog. People, and Anna, who was kind enough to want info about a translation, please be patient: times are rough!
Jack Stack.