One of Leonardo da Vinci's proverbs goes something like this: It is easier for a 'man' to kill a thousand of his enemies than to vanquish himself. 'Men' sometimes need to undertake a long voyage in order to find the 'meaning of life'. Dickster's World is not far from yours. If you take the right wrong turn, you will find it. Dickster needs you… D wants you to… D'd LOVE you to…help Him find His way back. Give D the feedback He deserves! Go a-head, give it to Him!

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Sometimes a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. I sincerely hope you did not believe everything I wrote on my last post. It was meant to deceive a certain party. I am now where I belong and will always do my best to be.

3500 dirhams were the price to pay to get here, beyond boarders that are not meant to be crossed. May I not be discovered, inch allah! I have not yet come about what I set out for, but I am making progress on a certian Ali ibn Boubaker, who can supposedly give me a hand.

I will tell you no more for the moment, except that I am not at Béchar, nor Taghit - pronounced Târ-eat.

May Allah be with us all a little while longer,

Jack Stack.


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