One of Leonardo da Vinci's proverbs goes something like this: It is easier for a 'man' to kill a thousand of his enemies than to vanquish himself. 'Men' sometimes need to undertake a long voyage in order to find the 'meaning of life'. Dickster's World is not far from yours. If you take the right wrong turn, you will find it. Dickster needs you… D wants you to… D'd LOVE you to…help Him find His way back. Give D the feedback He deserves! Go a-head, give it to Him!

Sunday, December 24, 2006


I, Jack Stack, have found a publisher for the book, the first… uh, last one, I believe. I have yet to find 2D and 3D.

This is correct, you need not doubt your reading skills. A marvellous man who once had a… let's say 'special reputation' has decided DICKSTER would bear the name and crest of his publishing house. Jim Haynes is the man. Handshake Editions is the lucky winner publishing house that's going to do the honors.

A proud man I am. I many be going nowhere slower than before in finding Ali Booba, but for now that's gonna have to be on standby. Some printing has to be done first! I found The Orangeman's address, and he insists on doing the cover. BONUS!!!

Gotta dash! I'm an even busier man hence.

Jack Stack.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Upon his deathbed, Richard Travelle, Dickster entrusted me with his mission. "Use the blog. My story must be told. Search for 2D and 3D. Find Ali Booba; he is the missing link."(?) Those were his last words!

Before his final garlic breath, he made me pledge: I, Jack Stack, promised to do whatever I could to make sure I revealed the real Dickstmeister, the man who'd left western society, ages ago, to come back a changed man. A man I could barely recognize. A real man I can now say I am proud to have known.

His ashes, mixed with the heavy rain drops, sprayed over the city below the Sacred Heart on that dark and thunderous afternoon.

I am now a man with a quest: Deliver Dickster!

Where to start? If only Perceval were here to help me!

If any of you feel like play private dic, or if you have any idea of the possible whereabouts of this Ali Booba, please leave me a message on the blog.


Jack Stack.